Should I buy a seersucker suit? If yes, where can I find a great one? If no, where can I find a decent one? Oh, and what shoes should you wear with it?
Your battery of questions raise one (1) very crucial question:
Why do you think you might need a seersucker suit? Are you going to the Kentucky Derby? Are you attending an outdoor summer wedding in the Hamptons?
Assuming you really, truly need a seersucker suit, here are some answers:
- Check vintage stores for a stylish, period seersucker suit. You might even be so lucky as to find a straw hat (always check for fleas if you buy a used hat).
- Don’t buy a cheap suit or you will look like you are sporting a glorified paper towel.
- Traditionally, you wear a light-colored, buckskin lace-up with red-rubber soles or a similar-colored saddle shoe with a seersucker suit. However, saddle shoes are seriously dorky, so I suggest you consider red tranny patent leather platforms just for fun. At worst, you’ll sprain an ankle. At best, you’ll be forced to stay home because you can’t walk.